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Chinese Medical Student Association (CMSA)

Please contact VP Student Engagement for more information.

Club Lead(s)

Club Email (if available)


CCMSA strives to connect medical students of Chinese heritage and create a
community that supports one another. We welcome students from any background who
are interested in exploring Chinese traditions and the unique experiences of growing up
Chinese Canadian.
(1) Mission: The CCMSA exists to promote Chinese Canadian culture for student
enjoyment, and community building. The Chinese Club will strive to bring together
medical students interested in learning about Chinese traditions, reconnect with their
heritage, and cultural exploration.
(2) Strategy: The CCMSA will hold social events centered around Chinese
holidays and culinary explorations of unique regions of cuisine not limited to mainland
China. We aim to collaborate with other clubs around campus to connect with Chinese
Canadian students in other professions to network and build relationships. We also aim
to invite Chinese Canadian medical professionals for discussion and debate about
health concerns unique to the Chinese Canadian population to reveal challenges and
promote awareness.
(3) Vision: to create community amongst students and to impart members with
fun memories that will last a lifetime. We recognize that individuals from diverse
backgrounds may resonate with the Chinese Canadian identity and hope to promote an
inclusive environment that celebrates our unique upbringing.

About the Club

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