About the ProjectPod
DESCRIPTION job I like unicorns and rainbows and am a medical student. All the students are also students. I love spicy mayo and long walks on the beach. I worry about microbeads in face wash and but somehow, there is nothing more magical than bubble wrap. I am a doggo love and tacco lover wee hee. Blah blah we will work on etc etc and so on so forth, there may be cheese, love and trees
Reasons To Contact Me
Our Goals
I hate veggies, you too hate veggies, weee veggies
You need advocacy STAT
You are scared of lobsters
It's time to make new friends
How to Join
I hate veggies, you too hate veggies, weee veggies
You need advocacy STAT
You are scared of lobsters
It's time to make new friends
Associated Exec
​LEADS: Camilla Giovino
MEMBERS: Danielle Lewis
Calandra Li
Christopher Mcchesney
Ananya Srivastava
Kenneth Williams